Monday, October 6, 2008

breastfeeding and work

First wave feminism was supported by paid domestic help. Second wave feminism was fueled by baby formula. I believe that we are the first generation of women to combine breastfeeding and industrial/post-industrial work outside of the home.

While breastfeeding is good for our babies, it is a drag on our careers. Breastfed babies need more night feedings than formula fed babies. Pumping eats up lunch breaks and watercooler time. I also believe nursing is a physical energy drain similar to pregnancy. Many previously productive women are surprised to find that they are unable to combine nursing with their jobs. Career gaps to stay at home with children, while supposedly increasingly common, typically decrease earning potentials.

How have you seen this issue addressed by employers other than by offering designated pumping rooms?

1 comment:

Sweet Coalminer said...

I really wanted to do some kind of scholarly legal article for family law courts where the mother is breastfeeding and they are trying to work out custody timeshare. There are so many times while I was working that I felt that if I had to pump one more time, I would wean the baby because I just couldn't take anymore pumping.

I don't think anyone's really studied what a drag it is, and I really liked the book nursing mother, working mother, (or vice versa), but it's clearly about the first child. There was no info re juggling a nursling, a job, and another child.